Hi, my name is Mignon, I like to paint and to see people drawing and painting.

You can come and paint with me and get lessons in my studio in Eindhoven-Noord.

Please click here for lessons for adults

Please click here for lessons to children

If you have any questions, please let us know and we answer you as soon as possible, click here to send a message

Below you can see recently made paintings by me.

At the art academy in Arnhem I followed the study ‘independent visual artist’. You can read more about Artez art education here

After several careers, I started atelier De Olifant since 2018 and taught drawing and painting. I am delighted to see that people enthusiastically use the materials and dare to experiment. The input of the people in the group creates a rich breeding ground for creation, joyfullness and development.

Come join us and sign up here!